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Announcement: Scholarship Recipients for Ninth Batch of Qualitative Research Methods Course

Special Issue: Climate and Development (hybrid open access journal): Publishes research on the interfaces between climate, development, policy and practice to make analysis of climate and development issues more accessible.


SPRINGER LINK Calls for Papers on the Topic, ‘Migration in a Changing Climate in India

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Call for Proposals: COVID-19 Impact on Internal Migration, Labor Markets and Urbanization

Published on July 20, 2021


Event Date

April 20, 2021 9:00 pm (IST)

Event Venue

Location - Washington DC

The Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (KNOMAD) is a global hub of knowledge and policy expertise on migration and development. KNOMAD aims to create and synthesize multidisciplinary knowledge and evidence; generate a menu of policy options for migration policy makers; and provide technical assistance and capacity building for pilot projects, evaluation of policies, and data

KNOMAD is supported by a multi-donor trust fund established by the World Bank. The European Commission, and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH commissioned by and on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) are the contributors to the trust fund.

Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (KNOMAD) is seeking for proposals for “COVID-19 Impact on Internal Migration, Labour Markets and Urbanization” research to be held under the 2020 –2022 work program of the Thematic Working Group (TWG) on Internal Migration and Urbanization. 

The Call is open for research institutes/firms worldwide including those operating in Brazil, Egypt, India, Peru, Spain, South Africa. We especially encourage research institutions from the countries mentioned above to submit proposals.

Technical and financial proposals for this research should include the methodology, the budget, and the team composition (including specific experiences and expertise).

Please submit proposals no later than April 20, 2021, to Sonia Plaza (the KNOMAD focal point) via splaza@worldbank.org.

Budget: Up to 16,000 USD for one applicant/organization for accomplishing the tasks, described in the document for each country.

Eligible candidates: Any type of research/consultant organization (commercial for profit firms, educational institutions, non-profit organizations, universities) is eligible to apply. Applicants may apply independently or in a consortium, provided that the consortium has a pre-established partnership prior to when this request for applications was issued. For more details, please refer to the document below.

Call for proposals Details



S Irudaya Rajan

S Irudaya Rajan

The International Institute of Migration and Development, India

Stephanie Loose

Stephanie Loose

Focal point for the work on migration and displacement, UN-Habitat

Sonia Plaza

Sonia Plaza

Senior Economist, KNOMAD/World Bank

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