
Monika Bisht is a Senior Research Fellow with the International Institute of Migration and Development (IIMAD). She has worked as Research Fellow with the Global Research Forum on Diaspora and Transnationalism (GRFDT), an international research consortium on international migration and diaspora. She has completed her M.Phil. and PhD from the National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration, New Delhi. Her PhD is on Diaspora Philanthropy in Higher Education. Her research analyses the impact of philanthropic contributions of NRI alumni on the development of their alma maters. Previously she was a Research Associate with the Institute for Research and Development in School Education (IRDSE). At this institute, she has worked on educational status of school education in India. Before that, she was a part of India Centre for Migration, an autonomous research think-tank of Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, where she looked into the matters related to labour migration policies of Colombo process countries. She has studied and worked on various issues related to labour and development since her post-graduation studies. She has a number of publications on international migration, diaspora, labour and education.