
P S Nair is currently working as a Guest Faculty, Dept.of Demography, University of Kerala, Trivandrum. He worked as Guest faculty in CDS as well. He was the former Professor & Head, Dept. of Population Studies, University of Botswana, Former Professor & Head, Dept. of Demography, University of Kerala. Former Director, Population Research Centres at University of Kerala and Dharwad and Reader in IIPS, and Demographer in GIRH & FP in Gandhigram, Tamil Nadu.
He took his Ph.D in Sociology- Demography from Free University of Brussels, Belgium in 1982 and worked as Visiting Professor in the University of Manitoba, Canada, visiting Research Fellow in NIDI, The Netherlands, INED, Paris, and East West Population Institute, Honolulu. Also, he functioned as a Tutor for the Distance Learning Programme of UNFPA. Also he functioned as a member of the Kerala State Planning Board Task force on ‘Health, Family Welfare and Nutrition’ (1998-2002).
He has over 40 years of teaching and research experience and supervised 20 Ph.D, 15 M.Phil and 30 MA dissertations. He has co-ordinated 14 demographic surveys including NFHS-1 Kerala and published 5 books, 52 papers in national and international Journals and 18 Book chapters. He is a member of IUSSP, IASP and Union of African Population Studies (UAPS), Asian Population Association, Honorary Indian Association for Social Sciences and Health (IASSH) etc.